the "Public" Back In "Public Trust"
on Readers
Rep. JP Pomnichowski presented it before the Committee, on Friday,
and asked that it be given the highest priority. I am asking that
you take a few minutes to email the following Legislative Audit
Committee members, likewise asking them to add it to the list
and give it the highest priority, for the benefit of the Montana
taxpayer and transparency, the Public Trust wildlife and the Montana
cattle ranchers that need real protection from brucellosis, not
this special interest political propaganda "protection". This
will make a huge difference for our elk, bison and the APHIS peripheral
Rep. Randy Brodehl (Ch.) Randybrodehl57@gmail.com
Sen. Greg Jergeson (Vice Ch.) jergeson4senator@yahoo.com
Sen. Dee Brown Brownforsd2@gmail.com
Sen. Taylor Brown taylor@northernbroadcasting.com
Sen. Sue Malek suemalek@gmail.com
Sen. Frederick (Eric) Moore mail@senatorericmoore.com
Sen. Mitch Tropila tropila@mt.net
Rep. Virginia Court vjchd52@yahoo.com
Rep. Mike Cuffe mike@mcuffe.com
Rep. Mary McNally mcnallyhd49@gmail.com
Rep. Ryan Osmundson ryanosmundson@gmail.com
Rep. JP Pomnichowski pomnicho@montanadsl.net
2. An
article came out last week, concerning Utah Rep. Ken Ivory
(American Lands Council) and the Federal Land Grab by special
Interest politics. It mentioned a Wyoming resident
discovered his county commission paid $5,000 of tax money to join
I am asking readers to please contact your Montana County Commissions
and see if they have paid American Lands Council to join, how
much, and the date. You might check for documentation, such as
commission minutes, etc. Then please forward their emails, documents,
etc. to kathryn@emwh.org
and I can put it all in a table online. We need to watchdog our
counties to protect our Public Trust Federal Lands from theft
by special interest politics and legislators.
Coming soon, a Federal Land Ownership project to help combat the
Federal Land Grab Carpetbaggers machinery.
3. EMWH provides and houses numerous resources to further the
Public Trust process, such as academic papers, charts, maps, applicable
news, resource links, inspirational materials. Additionally, we
create editorial cartoons; travel to and record important public
meetings; watchdog agencies and government; network: work with
individuals, legislators, agencies, journalists and organizations
concerning our wildlife and habitat; publish a Newsletter and
Blog; social media and put on multi stakeholder presentations.
All this requires finances.
As someone so succinctly stated, "It's not easy to ask. Asking
makes you vulnerable." Even so, I am asking the Public to Contribute
to these Putting the "Public" Back in "Public Trust" efforts.
With that said, I would like to publicly thank recent contributors
Dale & Sue Spartas of Spartas Photo, Nancy Schultz, and Bonnie
Lynn of Yellowstone Park Riverfront Cabins. Your generosity
is greatly appreciated.
4. It was mentioned that y'all might not realize that I would
love your news articles, resource links, alerts, etc. I truly
would. We could better network, especially with issues heating
up legislatively, with more contributors. EMWH is NOT a non-profit.
One of the main reasons is that I did not want to be hindered
concerning politics and elections, basically gagged from networking
who is fighting for our Public Trust Lands & Wildlife and
who is not. EMWH is not partisan, we are issue driven and bluntly
honest. So please use the email link below or to the right and
dont be shy.
I do leave you with Todd Wilkinson's new article,
States still
spreading brucellosis foolishness
"No public official at the Lander meeting was willing to set the
record straight. In the West the truth is sometimes too much to
reconcile. Apparently it’s easier for certain civil servants
to just reinforce an old fabricated mythology than to state reality."
And the coordinating paper I search for over 6 months before finally
snagging it last fall 2013. This paper and the Powerpoint (kind
of like the Cliff Note version) presentation are important. It
shows the unbelievable financial waste of trying to brucellosis
test and slaughter wild elk populations, wild elk vaccinate or
supplemental feed the wild elk, versus simply dealing with a possible
elk brucellosis transmission to cattle infection should one occur.
Taxpayers dont need to be funding APHIS' unachievable, socially
unacceptable and fiscally irresponsible pipe dream of brucellosis
eradication in wildlife.
Benefit Analysis of a Reduction in Elk Brucellosis Seroprevalence
in the Southern Greater Yellowstone Area
Benefit Analysis Power Point Presentation
Thank you,
Kathryn QannaYahu