Putting the "Public" Back In "Public Trust"

This Land Is Your Land,
and the public wildlife too!

For those of you keeping abreast of the attacks on our Public Lands, especially by armed federal land grabbers - this one's for you. Help fight the public fight.

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This Wednesday, May 14th in Helena, the federal land grab fight is in Montana. Our Environmental Quality Council will be meeting and on the Agenda at 3:35 - Study of Federal Land Management. Rep. Kerry White (He was on his way to assist Cliven Bundy in Nevada) and other members of the Federal Land Management Committees will be presenting including speakers from Idaho, Utah, Wyoming and Nevada. If you cannot attend the meeting, please take the time to call or email the members and let them know as a land owner - your Federal Lands are not for sale! Especially NOT at gunpoint!

All Along The Watchtower by Montana's Bully Pulpit
There’s a broken piece of the American mind running loose in the sagebrush. It’s well armed, overly paranoid and willing to point guns at people they disagree with.

Another lawsuit against Bullock administration a win for elk by George Ochenski
"The headlines are strangely clogged these days by news of wildlife and environmental organizations filing lawsuits against Gov. Steve Bullock’s administration."

Montana defies logic in killing bull bison by Todd
"Even though elk allegedly have been identified as sources of some brucellosis cases in Montana cattle — not one has been linked to bison — the Bullock administration, critics say, will not make room for bison because it’s too afraid of alienating science-challenged cattle interests."

All the land you’ll ever own – if you can keep it  by Ron Moody
If the outdoorspeople of today were worthy of their ancestors they would be outraged at the current political moves by so-called conservative politicians to turn federal lands over to states where the property can be privatized. Does anybody vote such politicians out of office anymore?  Instead, we hear barely a whimper of protest. Do today’s heirs of the Republic think they can sleep through their slice of history without being convicted for their dereliction?

Dr. Bruce Smith Event - Life On The Rocks
Friday, May 16th, 7:00 pm
at the Lindley Center
1102 E. Curtiss Street, Bozeman, MT
Contact Nancy Schultz - 406-582-9720 GWA hosting

Petition for Scientific Wildlife Management of our Wildlife

Thank you,
Kathryn QannaYahu


Wildlife &


Bozeman, MT

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War On Montana's
Wildlife & Environment





















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