Part of what EMWH hopes to establish are bridges between polarized communities. While working towards enhancing the wildlife and habitat of Montana, we recognize that there are other communities, such as the ag/livestock community, some with a different viewpoint and culture towards wilderness. We dont believe that it has to be "Us" against "Them", Either/Or, or wildlife versus livestock. There is room for understanding, thinking outside of the box and exploring possibilities.

This section explores some of those possibilities of working together for a stronger Montana, while appreciating the diversity of cultures. We will showcase other organizations efforts to prevent conflicts between diverse perspectives.

We encourage the submission of ideas, resources and sites that help to achieve the goal of effective solutions to bridging these gaps in Montana.


Livestock Guardian Dogs

Livestock Guardian Dogs

Wildlife Fencing

Wildlife Friendly Fencing & Crossings

Farming With Wildlife

Farming with the Wild

Fred Kirschenmann
Daniel Imhoff



Farming For Wildlife video

Brucellosis Transmission Mitigation

Brucellosis Research





Site designed and maintained by Kathryn QannaYahu