Wilks Fence Updates


August 4, 2015, The BLM Durfee Hills Cadastral Survey is filed with the Federal Register

July 29, 2015 - After requesting 3 times from the Lewistown BLM office, the sign in sheets and minutes from the 4 Bullwhacker access scoping meetings, as well as all the public comments submitted and not receiving them, I had to file another BLM FOIA. But this time I sent it to Washington D. C. Foia office.

July 13, 2015 - BLM has broken faith with the public/Wilks Land Exchange Proposal Draft webpage

other updates will be entered shortly

Feb. 6, 2015 - My request to MT BLM's FOIA officer to expedite, at least the portion of my FOIA that involved communications between the BLM and the Wilks concerning exchanging the Durfees for the Anchor Ranch/Bullwhacker access, as it is now of "compelling need or urgency to obtaining the records."

Feb. 3, 2015 - BLM Press Release, BLM concludes preliminary Public Scoping Meetings to Restore Bullwhacker Access
" 'At all four public meetings we heard the public express interest in the BLM revisiting the idea of a land exchange option to restore motorized public access to the Bullwhacker area. We do not have a land exchange proposal at this time, but we would be willing to consider a land exchange proposal that has the support of a working group of interested parties and is broadly favored by the public,' Benes explained."
Here's "broadly favored by the Public"! The 1600+ signature petition submitted to BLM's State Director Jamie Connell on April 16, 2014!

Jan. 22, 2015 - I called MT BLM Cadastral to find out about the spring survey issue. They began the survey at what I call the tri-corner area where the DNRC, BLM and Wilks land all meet - the corners of sections 25, 30, 31 and DNRC's 36, then proceeded north. They completed survey of sections 23, 24 and 25 and the southern portion of section 14. They will have to go back in the spring to begin the rest of the survey. Those sections they have completed are being treated as a segment.

They do need to go back and survey the rest of the sections. The survey of the completed sections 23, 24, and 25 has not been filed with the Federal Register yet, then there is the 30 day period any contesting can be done by the public or the landowner. The spring survey is not because this segment has been contested.

Jan. 20, 2015 - Emailed BLM State Director Jamie Connell, District Manager Stan Benes and Lewistown Field Manager Geoff Beyersdorf about the regulations concerning a Wilks Durfee Hills land exchange while the Wilks Fencing trespass is being investigated.

Jan. 16, 2015 - BLM Josh Alexander states, "As you are aware, the matter is currently under investigation and the survey will not be placed in the Federal Register for comment until such time it is determined that said placement will not compromise the integrity of the active investigation. I do not have an estimated time frame for publication, but want you to know that it will be in the Federal Register for 30 days when published."

Jan. 15, 2015 - BLM Bullwhacker Access Billings Scoping meeting brought up another Durfee Hills land exchange propsal as an alternative to a possible EA.

Jan. 6, 2015 - I just got my call back from Clive Rooney with the DNRC. As surveying is expensive, the DNRC asked the BLM to survey the DNRC's State portion while BLM was doing theirs, which Clive informed me of before. DNRC is waiting for the BLM to sign off on their survey and file it with the Federal Register. Then, depending on what occurred on the DNRC portion of the survey, they proceed with their end of the situation.
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Dec. 23, 2014 BLM FOIA Request concerning Wilks Fencing issues approved.