Greater Sage Grouse Conservation Strategy
A Blueprint for Sage-grouse Conservation and Recovery by Dr. Clait E. Braun Testimony of Dr. Clait E. Braun (2013) before Congress on H. R. 657 - Grazing Improvement Act, involving Sage-grouse. This bill had a lower chance of passing, while the Senate verion has a higher one. S. 258. This was just revised on May 2014. US DOI Fish & Wildlife Services Greater Sage-grouse Comprehensive Strategy Report "In their March 2010 listing decision, the USFWS concluded that the key threats to the continued survival of sage - grouse are 1) habitat loss, fragmentation, and modification and 2) inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms, particularly in relation to energy and other development . The USFWS also evaluated the 'utilization' (e.g. hunting) of sage - grouse and concluded that 'the greater sage - grouse is not threatened by overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes now or in the foreseeable future' " Greater Sage Grouse Priority Areas For Conservation Map BLM USFS GRSG Planning Strategy Subregion/EIS boundaries Map Greater Sage-Grouse Range-Wide Breeding Density Thresholds Map US Fish & Wildlife Greater Sage Grouse Information Page Montana: Establishing a Greater Sage-grouse Habitat Conservation Advisory Council Montana: GREATER SAGE-GROUSE HABITAT CONSERVATION STRATEGY Jan 2014 Pag. 33, "f) Hunting Sage-grouse Habitat Conservation Advisory Council Agenda Council briefed on Montana environmental issues, Billings Gazette, June 21, 2013 Draft Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat Conservation Strategy November 2013 Inventory
of Sage Grouse Conservation Initiatives Dec. 2012 update Hunting Impact
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