Recommended Conservation Reading

Beyond Fair Chase: The Ethic and Tradition of Hunting

Jim Posewitz

Farming and the Fate of Wild Nature: Essays on Conservation-based Agriculture

Daniel Imhoff & Jo Ann Baumgartner

Where Elk Roam: Conservation and Biopolitics of Our National Elk Herd

Bruce L. Smith

A Hunter's Heart: Honest Essays on Blood Sport

David Petersen

The Wolf's Tooth: Keystone Predators, Trophic Cascades, and Biodiversity

Cristina Eisenberg

Heartsblood: Hunting, Spirituality, and Wildness in America

David Petersen

Wolf Wars

Hank Fischer



Farming with the Wild

Fred Kirschenmann
Daniel Imhoff

Inherit the Hunt: A Journey into the Heart of American Hunting

Jim Posewitz

Wolfer: A Memoir

Carter Niemeyer

Who Controls Public Lands?: Mining, Forestry, and Grazing Policies, 1870-1990

Christopher McGrory Klyza

Welfare Ranching: The Subsidized Destruction of the American West

George Wuerthner
Mollie Matteson

Against the Grain: How Agriculture Has Hijacked Civilization

Richard Manning

Montana's Wildlife Legacy Decimation to Restoration

Harold Lonner & Terry Picton






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