
"America's Backcountry"
Backcountry Hunters and Anglers


Feeding the Problem
by Filmmaker Daniel Schmidt

"What began in 1912 as a gracious effort to save the Jackson Hole elk herd from harsh winters, has morphed into a century-long feeding program on the National Elk Refuge and 22 other State-run feed grounds. This biological experiment has created a petri dish for wildlife disease, and is now one of the most contentious and fiercely debated issues in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. "


Watch Feeding the Problem on PBS. See more from KUSM.



Livestock Guardian Dogs - Working on Common Ground

"Ranchers who struggle to coexist with large predators are finding new hope in old dog breeds. While these Old World livestock guardian dog breeds have successfully defended livestock from predators for thousands of years in Europe and Asia, they remain relatively unknown in the American West. Explore how they work for one family, and what it means for the maintenance of large predators, like the wolf, on the landscape."




Livestock Guardian Dogs - Working on Common Ground from Conservation Media on Vimeo.






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