Page 6 - EMWH Newsletter
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Welcome to the new EMWH Newsletter.

Ever have one of those weeks where you wished the world would just stop spinning so you could get some work
done? I have just had a month like that, conservation never stops. While a little overdue, lots of graphics had to be
specifically created, multiple templates and four new software programs to work with (still working on some flash is-
sues with the embedded video, audio and calendar expanded information popup windows, so bear with me), here is
the new digital EMWH Newsletter. There are still some elements that will be rolled out in the next few issues.

I will be processing the Larry Jent for Attorney General interview this week and sent out.

Subscription information and pricing for future issues is just inside the cover. If you have recently contributed and
would like that to apply towards your subscription, I am down with that. Have any suggestions for the digital EMWH
Newsletter? Please call or email to let me know your thoughts. 579-7748 or And welcome to the
3 new subscribers from Wisconsin enjoying Montana's hunting and fishing, it was nice meeting you. This is what it is
all about, because the public trust that is good for Montana is good everywhere! That is why some are now calling the
North American Model the “Montana Model”.

To submit a Public Comment Due item, email  A number of our American
                                                             forefathers, such as Franklin,
                                                             Paine and Jefferson rejected the
                                                             tyrannical, closed government
                                                             decision making process, instead
                                                             they promoted an open
                                                             government, which now provides
                                                             us with “public comments”.

                                                             Yes, we all have busy lives and
                                                             precious little time, but Public
                                                             Comments are not a waste of
                                                             time! They are an opportunity for
                                                             you, as a stakeholder, to be
                                                             heard, to provide input, to state
                                                             your values. As a stakeholder, you
                                                             have an investment to defend.

                                                             Be Heard!

Thank you to those that took the time to quickly express your wildlife values, contacting the FWP

Commissioners, Aug. 11, to object to the elk brucellosis workplan section of elk hazing within the DSA, down here in
Region 3. Originally, Commissioner Vermillion motioned to pass it and take it to the public, then amended his motion to
strike the new DSA elk hazing section of the proposed work plan. That amendment was passed unanimously. While
the whole of the workplan sucks, this killing of elk to keep them from exiting the DSA was appalling and unscientific. All
the commissioners were awesome, with well reasoned discussions, upholding what FWP is supposed to be about.
This is an example of Public Comments working.

         Brucellosis 2016 Work Plan discussion

24:49 Commissioner Vermillion motions to approve for public comment, stating they could have a modification to that
motion. Commissioner Stucker seconds, saying it is to make it open for discussion purposes (he had already
expressed concerns with this proposal).

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