FS 166B Road Public Access Cut Off By
Big Sky Private Home Construction

Some were wondering how Stan Schluter, from Texas, could build his Big Sky house on the Forest Service 166B road, cutting off access without the Forest Service knowing. The house was built in 2001, 4761 sq. ft. Source

"Schlueter explains that she and her husband had spent years talking about building such a home, so when it came time to do the actual work the couple had an architect translate their ideas onto paper and turn it over to Dürfeld.
' They take the plans and actually build the log portions in Canada, then take the whole thing apart and bring it down on 18-wheelers,' she explains. 'They had a crew of five or six guys there for a couple weeks that put it together and put in the windows. They come back later with the logs for the roofline.' "

Article about the contention and the GVLT


I went to the Gallatin Valley Courthouse to secure copies of the Corcoran Pulpwood Company granting a perpetual easement to the Forest Service of West Fork Loop Road No. 166B and Basin Road No. 166D.

Forest Service Easement 2228201


March 2013 Forest proposes new trail to settle encroachment dispute by Brett French

April 2013 - Public access and encroachment debated in Big Sky-area trail proposal by Laura Lundquist

August 2013 Landowner uses congressional ties to sway Forest Service by Laura Lundquist

August 2013 Big Sky road easement has broader implications

Sept 2013 the Forest Service issues a statement trail proposal on hold until they resolve the issue of the Schlueter house encroachment on 166B

January 2015 Deal reached on controversial road encroachment
I spoke with Lisa Stoeffler at the Gallatin Forest Service office, concerned with the wording in this article about ski access, but not year road motor access as we had before. She checked the Travel Plan and confirmed that we still have passenger car year round access, no restrictions, closed to snow mobiles. Map below shows the new easement road and the previous area in the red circle.


Below are documention photos I took of FS 166B & FS 166D, as well as
Map and Satelitte images to show what was taking place, getting the information out to the Public.

I took a google earth so you can see the layout. We drove to the red line. You cant drive all the way around because his yard is on the road. At the other end of the southside road is a barricade of wood. I dont know who put it up, but it blocks the southern portion of this loop. Then we drove out the west side of the road where there is a giant ass arch. Thanks to Rob the tour guide.

This is the barricade that was erected across the road, but not by the Forest Service

Thanks to Rob Gregoires help holding the 25' Stanley tape measure,
the distance between the arch is 25', the road easment is 66',
so Schlueters arch is built on the FS 166B road.








Site designed and maintained by Kathryn QannaYahu